Introduction: On my day 7 of #100DaysofCode challenge, I decided to dive deeper into recursion. I took on a few more complex problems to sharpen my programming skills. Recursion is a powerful concept that can be both fascinating and challenging. In this blog, I will walk you through some intriguing recursion problems and their solutions in C++. We will explore the following examples:
Print Spelling Using Recursion
Fast Exponentiation Using Recursion
Power Set Using Recursion
Jumps - Number of Ways to Reach a Destination Using Recursion
Subsequence of a String Using Recursion
Permutation of a String
Let's dive in!
1. Print Spelling Using Recursion: Problem: Given a number, print its spelling (e.g., 123 as "one two three").
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printSpelling(int n) {
string spellings[] = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"};
if (n == 0) return;
printSpelling(n / 10);
cout << spellings[n % 10] << " ";
int main() {
int n;
cin >> n;
return 0;
2. Fast Exponentiation Using Recursion: Problem: Compute the power of a number using recursion.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int power(int base, int exponent) {
if (exponent == 0) return 1;
int smallPower = power(base, exponent / 2);
smallPower *= smallPower;
if (exponent % 2 == 1) smallPower *= base;
return smallPower;
int main() {
int base, exponent;
cin >> base >> exponent;
cout << power(base, exponent);
return 0;
3. Power Set Using Recursion: Problem: Generate the power set of a given set using recursion.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void generatePowerSet(vector<int>& input, vector<int>& output, int index) {
if (index == input.size()) {
for (int num : output) {
cout << num << " ";
cout << endl;
// Include the current element in the set
generatePowerSet(input, output, index + 1);
// Exclude the current element from the set
generatePowerSet(input, output, index + 1);
int main() {
vector<int> input = {1, 2, 3};
vector<int> output;
generatePowerSet(input, output, 0);
return 0;
4. Jumps - Number of Ways to Reach a Destination Using Recursion: Problem: Calculate the number of ways to reach a destination with given jump lengths.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int countWaysToReachDestination(int destination, int jumpLengths[], int numJumps) {
if (destination == 0) return 1;
if (destination < 0) return 0;
int totalWays = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numJumps; i++) {
totalWays += countWaysToReachDestination(destination - jumpLengths[i], jumpLengths, numJumps);
return totalWays;
int main() {
int destination, numJumps;
cout << "Enter the destination and the number of jump lengths: ";
cin >> destination >> numJumps;
int jumpLengths[numJumps];
cout << "Enter the jump lengths: ";
for (int i = 0; i < numJumps; i++) {
cin >> jumpLengths[i];
int ways = countWaysToReachDestination(destination, jumpLengths, numJumps);
cout << "Number of ways to reach the destination: " << ways << endl;
return 0;
5. Subsequence of a String Using Recursion: Problem: Find all the subsequences of a given string using recursion.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void generateSubsequences(string input, string output, int index) {
if (index == input.length()) {
cout << output << " ";
// Include the current character
generateSubsequences(input, output + input[index], index + 1);
// Exclude the current character
generateSubsequences(input, output, index + 1);
int main() {
string input;
cout << "Enter a string: ";
cin >> input;
generateSubsequences(input, "", 0);
return 0;
6. Permutation of a String: Problem: Generate all permutations of a string using recursion.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void generatePermutations(string input, int left, int right) {
if (left == right) {
cout << input << " ";
for (int i = left; i <= right; i++) {
swap(input[left], input[i]);
generatePermutations(input, left + 1, right);
swap(input[left], input[i]); // Backtrack
int main() {
string input;
cout << "Enter a string: ";
cin >> input;
int n = input.length();
generatePermutations(input, 0, n - 1);
return 0;
Conclusion: Recursion is a powerful technique that can be used to solve a wide range of problems. In this blog, we explored several advanced recursion problems in C++ and provided code examples to help you understand the concepts. These problems are not only challenging but also fun to solve. So, give them a try and enhance your coding skills!
#Recursion #Cplusplus #CodingChallenge #Programming